1950’s Paintings and Drawings

  • Still-life with Coffee Pot

    Keeping within a loose interpretation of cubism, the following paintings give a cross-section of how choices in my topics would prove a different outcome; they vary, either in social, historical, or political themes; they show my interests, as what inspired me, and the interpretation I chose. “Still life w. Coffee Pot”, for instance, is a […]

  • Sextet

    Inspired by interwoven patterns of music by J.S. Bach. Six linear geometrical forms overlap as six instruments play different, non-conflicting melodies in space and time. Perhaps I was ready to shake off old restrictions but still keeping structure and composition. Oil on canvas board / 76cm x 55cm / 1958

  • Self-Portrait

    Although formally related to Cubism, it is of representational character. This painting stems from a time before travelling to Canada. The background hints faintly at the left of an easel that remains behind and to the right the Ocean I would soon cross. Oil on laminated Cardboard  48.cm x 34.cm / 1953

  • Roses in Vase

    This is my last more detailed representational painting for the next twenty years. Oil on canvas board / 45cm x 40cm / 1958

  • Olga Neely / Kirkland Lake

    At a Northern Ontario Exhibition in Timmins, they awarded me with three first prizes and sent the portrait of Ann Neely to Toronto’s National Exhibition. Both Portraits of the Neely’s remained with the family. Oil on canvas board / 60 cm x 40 cm / 1954

  • Pompeii’s Destruction

    This rendering is a reflection on a long ago volcanic event in Pompeii. My interest in themes are becoming rather more Universal than Local. Oil on canvas / 70 cm x  81 cm / 1959

  • Jeanine, my Wife

    Married two years, first painting of my gracious wife. Oil on canvas board / 40 cm x 26 cm / 1959

  • Window in Winter

    This is a Still-life with a landscape seen through a window in Winter. I used the same composition for “Window in Spring” and “Window in Autumn”. Oil on cardboard / 73 cm x 50 cm / 1957        

  • Symbol of Life

    This early produced painting is in its concept classified under Surreal, however, the combination of objects as woman (life giver), nature, as sun, earth, blooming tree and stork pointing to the title equally as Symbolism.  Oil on wood panel / 50 cm x 40 cm / 1953

  • Mother and Child

    My contribution to mothers, without symbolizing the sainthood in religious terms. Oil on heavy card board / 70 cm x 49 cm

  • Degenerate

    This drawing is the result from a social observation. Ink pen drawing on paper / 1954

  • Fairy Castle

    Our dreams like seen in a looking-glass that emerge every so often from dark, uncertain places.  Oil on Canvas board / 76 cm x 63 cm / 1959

  • Riches of the Earth #1

    My impressions of Kirkland Lake’s Mines of the past, with its internal structures we never see. Oil on Canvas / 51 cm x 66 cm / 1959

  • Riches of the Earth #2

    My impressions of Kirkland Lakes Mines of the past, with its structures we never see. Different mood as in Riches of the Earth # 1 Oil on Canvas / 66 cm x 81 cm / 1959

  • Roses 1953, Still-life

    Although, because of the influence in my studies, my forms were leaning toward cubism, this Still-life is a testimony of understanding and loving painterly, impressionistic qualities with a dimensional appearance. Oil on laminated card board / 48 cm x 34 cm / 1953

  • Angel with Trumpet

    A page from Revelations in the New Testament. A Critic in an Ontario exhibition connected this painting to the poet William Blake. Oil on Canvas board / 51 cm  x 40.6 cm / 1954

  • Park in Spring

    The Style-category of this painting is called Semi-abstract but being void of a human being it has a touch of Surrealism. Oil on Cardboard / 49 cm x 69 cm / 1957

  • Gusti, 1956

    A friend of mine who agreed to sit for me so I could draw her. Pencil on Paper / approx. 32 cm x 26 cm / 1956 / work remained with the family

  • King David

    In this figurative painting I attempted to honour the arts, as music and poetry that has come from the past down to us. Oil on Masonite / 65 cm x 48 cm / 1957

  • Defence

    Objects composed in that space are abstractions of Offence and Defence. Oil on Canvas / 56 cm x 91 cm / 1959

  • Bathing at a Waterfall

    Deliver the painter from comments. It is what it is. Oil on Canvas / 76 cm x 56 cm / 1959

  • Boy in Red Sweater

    Our son, Daniel, not yet two years old, was my model. Pleasant souvenir. Oil on Canvas / 71cm x 40 cm / 1959 / gift to family Walker

  • Red Mountains #1

    Uprising rocks, caused by continental plates colliding, transmitting hot lava. Oil on Canvas board / 76 cm x 56 cm / 1959

  • Forms in Space

    Layers of flat planes with openings that are ascending and descending endlessly. Oil on Canvas board / 71cm x 51 cm / 1959

  • Female Nude / Sitting

    Drawing, a Study was done in Masterclass, Graz, Aut. Trying to capture the essential of the subject. Pencil drawing in paper / 1951

  • Nude – Leaning / 52

    Well proportioned drawing of a graceful woman from my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts at Vienna. Pencil on paper / 1952 /

  • Reclining Female / 52

    The contour of this female drawing has added accents to emphasize its form. (Study at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna). Pencil on paper /1952

  • Linear Study / 52

    The emphasis in this study is more on the facial expression of the woman than body. (Vienna Academy) Pencil drawing on paper / 1952

  • Study – Vienna / 52

    The contour in this woman’s figure is almost removed to employ shapes that serve the form and at the same time create interesting patterns. (Vienna Academy) Pencil drawing on paper / 1952  

  • Nude -Sitting – Vienna / 53

    In this study the lines and tonal accents become minimal as poems are not descriptive. (Vienna Academy) Pencil drawing on paper / 1953

  • Study – Vienna / 52

    Lines and tonal accents in this model’s appearance are brought to the essential. (Vienna Academy) Pencil on paper / 1952

  • Study – Vienna / 53

    After eight years of drawing figures (or anything for that matter) my interest lay in eliminating the obvious reality. First to concentrate on the essential of the object and second adopt my own reality. In all those studies over the years, I have never had in classes the urge to adapt any of the forms my classmate exercised. (Vienna […]

  • Sophie Hieger

    Portrait of a young friend of mine, Sophie Hieger / Jucker, interested in the arts. Brown pencil on paper / 1952

  • My Mother /1950

    A portrait of my mother on her sixtieth birthday. Some early drawings have occasionally heavy lines that separate forms instead using lighter and darker tones. Brown pencil on paper / 1950

  • Self Portrait / 51

    View is through the mirror reversed. Consequently it seems that I am drawing with my left hand while holding my Sketch block, which I am not. Pencil on paper / 1951  

  • Cataclysm

    This composition depicting a natural disaster exposes the fear and angst of the living on our planet. Black and white heightens the drama.  Black ink wash over pen drawing / 1953

  • Female / watercolor / 51

    Study of  a female model with watercolor. Watercolour on paper / 1951

  • The Arrest

    Composition with figures showing the arrest of Christ as told in the New Testament. Pen ink drawing / 1950 /

  • Eisenerz / Oswaldi

    View of my hometown Eisenerz with Oswaldi church from the 12th Century. Pencil drawing on paper / 1950

  • St. Peter Chapel

    Town of Eisenerz below in the valley. Mount Seemauer in the distance. Pencil drawing on paper / 1950

  • Mephisto / Faust

    Dramatic scene when, according to the Fable, Mephisto appears in the Studio of Dr. Faust to make his proposition. He will fulfill all his earthly wishes if Dr. Faust agrees to sign a document with his own blood, stating to hand over his soul to Mephisto.  Pen sepia ink drawing on paper / 1950

  • Blacksmith Shop

    Blacksmith shop in the valley of  the iron mining town Eisenerz. The clock tower is seen in the distance to the left. It would as early as in the year 1590 be put to use for the community : when to rise, go to the mine, give townspeople the time and call for emergency.  Pencil on paper […]

  • Universe Closing In

    Figure composition of a natural disaster in a city with crowded streets. Black Ink pen drawing and wash / 1949

  • Departure # 2 / 53

    An old reoccurring theme. We depart daily from many things. This scene is set in a romantic pose, however as a painting in the middle of the 20th century it is rather modern. It was my Diploma work, done at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. The Board of Education, Vienna, purchased the painting in 1958 and I […]

  • Sculpture Relief by Donatello

    This is the study from a cast copy relief, sculptured by Donatello. Pencil on paper /1950  

  • Neurosis

    Attempt to make a dysfunctional psychological behavior in a drawing visible.  Brain and heart are in a spider web entangled. Ink pen drawing and wash /1952  

  • Departure #1 / 53

    My design proposal (draft) for my Diploma work at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, as outlined on the original painting, “Departure #2”. Note the composition of form and colours that suggest separation. Oil on Cardboard / 64.7 x 48.2 cm / 1953  

  • Geranium

     Blooming Geranium in summer. Watercolour study on paper / 1950

  • Blue Vase

    Flower Still-life with Blue Vase and one apple. Not significant but it is an airy painting. Watercolour on paper / 46 cm x 36 cm / 1951

  • Snow Slash

    From a series of watercolours. This is the impression of a wet winter. Watercolour on paper / 1959    

  • Knight to Jerusalem

    From my watercolour series, a suggestive rendering of the subject. Creon drawing and watercolour on paper / 1959  

  • Villeneuve / France

    The old bridge with the town of  Villeneuve in the background. Oil on canvas / 60.0 x 83.3 cm / 1959

  • Unconventional

    For my development an unconventional, mainly considering the form of my development; mentally it is breaking out from a groove I was in. Oil on Canvas board / 76cm x 55cm – 1958

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