Eleven Characters

Eleven Characters

I.    THE MANIPULATOR II.  THE COMPULSIVE LIAR III.  THE MIND-TWISTER IV.  THE UNJUST ONE V.   THE JUST ONE VI.  THE SLY TRANSMITTER VII. THE BACK STABBER VIII.THE INFORMER IX.  THE VERBALLY OVERBEARING ONES X.   THE FACEBOOKOBSESSOR XI.  THE CONCLUSION JUMPER  I. THE MANIPULATOR Is Non-stop in motion, discontent with matters the way they have become; he must alter current configurations that displease his playful mind. His aim is not to change the chaos into order, repair the broken – mend what is torn or beautify the mediocre. No, his objective is to render all quarrels, change, remodel sentences and tailor facts for his own gain. He feels to rearrange whatever is neat; […]