Day of Wonder

Day of Wonder

Perhaps one could assert that abstract art is the biggest victory over the indescribable. To create from the unconscious is more to the point, original as conscious work, providing the artist has made the transition from an apparent reality to a reality within his mind. Much is happening and one wonders how to interpret what one cannot see. Oil on Canvas / 94 cm x 81 cm / 1964

Beyond my Recollection

Beyond my Recollection

A series of paintings in a similar manner of brush strokes, that give the areas an almost poetic life. The subject is a psychological dilemma in which I am trying to solve what I vaguely remember only in a visual presentation. Oil on Canvas / 116cm x 86 cm / 1962

Decision at Dawn

Decision at Dawn

Partially inspired by the Novel, “All Quiet on the Western Front”.  A moment of tense, important discussion between two characters. Technically, areas are treated with interwoven brush strokes that create a dimension and the chilly colours tell the mood of the situation. Oil on Canvas / 127 cm x 81 cm / 1962