Eleven Characters

I.    THE MANIPULATOR1952 Neurosis











I. THE MANIPULATOR Is Non-stop in motion, discontent with matters the way they have become; he must alter current configurations that displease his playful mind. His aim is not to change the chaos into order, repair the broken – mend what is torn or beautify the mediocre. No, his objective is to render all quarrels, change, remodel sentences and tailor facts for his own gain. He feels to rearrange whatever is neat; to twist the straight, unravel the genuine and forthright. He plots without a story and reinvents a situation with way-out opinions. Nevertheless, whatever he deals with is not for progress but for self-esteem to reconstruct without sense so he may rule and command his own world of make-believe.


II. THE COMPULSIVE LIAR like the Exploiter, will also change what passes through His blunt, judgmental, censoring mind that suffers from blindness to reality. Suffers as those who are blind to colours and believe that whatever we call red, in fact for them is green, grey, or something else that we do not know, because we cannot see into their minds, nor have a reference to their sensation, so as the liar has No reference to what we call a comparative truth. His driving ego cannot understand the injury, caused to Himself that could rescue him from faithless lies. Instead, He will modify disputes and themes, in question or not, to assure His vanity and Self-righteous power may remain Intact. Since nothing else is worse to the obsessive Liar than a defeat of his own truth to make him think that for once, a verdict (true as light of day) degraded him. As end-result, besides his own sightlessness to ‘reality’, conniving needs, He will ignore the evidence and call the facts as they appear in warping mirrors falsifying all true reflections.


III. THE MIND-TWISTER Is rather intimate with you while searching high and low what makes you tick, while saying – ‘I tell you the truth’. And you believe that what you hear is like the naked landscape of his mind, inviting you to enter. Trustfully then you assume, thinking ‘now he will see me as I am and find my virtues.’ But little do you know that in his mind his statement was merely an intent he will never honour. It is like an illusion that only will encourage you to open up and transmit your secrecies. Meanwhile, past this Twined and twisted magic, his busy and deceitful hands would snatch what you had offered, and twirl, spin and twist it in a silent hurricane past recognition and hurl it into an ugly lie that ever had invaded your exploitable, searching mind.


IV. THE UNJUST ONE survives far-off from stable dwellings like wolves roam in the wilderness who follow an instinctive pre-set cycle. He chases His own needs that are cursed with human wickedness, alike theft, shameless disregard, resentfulness and revenge. He bears a resemblance to wolves that hunt, except for evil human traits clinging to Him like tar and make Him blind to insight and reason, while abusing anything to reach his reckless objective, disrupting order to which he does not concede, nor trust. However pays the price yet again in a cycle of catch 22 – between offences with harsh punishment, for which he will revenge himself. But then again they will punish him to no other end as being exiled and cursed as a pitiful product of creation that will be damned to linger segregated in the wild like howling wolves in winter’s cold and gloomy nights.


V. THE JUST ONES (sarcastically) provides His opinion with certainty: “In all fairness,” He will Exclaim, “If it were up to me, I would hang them all. There’s no excuse for all those many crimes!” The Daily News informs Him, Her on page one – where they report on Murders, Rapes and Thieves. Of course, the Just Ones had never done any of those crimes, so it is only fair that They are judge of those Transgressions. No, They never sunk to levels of misdeeds, committed in desperation; all They ever did perhaps was to tell a White lie, discriminate or feed on bigotry, or maybe would try to keep down and out all who tried to come up for air—but always, you must understand, for a damn good reason. No, They never have carried out those crimes, except perhaps had cheated secretly on Their spouses; abused a poor, defenceless soul or crucified someone’s timid ego insidious and slowly in a cold and silent war. The Just Ones had never anything else except had it Their own way, because Their claim is to be the fairest, unbiased Judge that is infallible and peerless. Of course, they never grew up with parents who would beat Them senseless for minor fallacies or for no reason at all – beat Them just for being a part of poverty, misguided and unwise breed, poor health or ill fortune, expanding into repeated, senseless fights and exploitation. Likely some Now-offenders, whom They should hang, have been the victims of Their past in which our way of Justice had already haunted Their existence with efficiency because the apparent willing voices call relentlessly – demand equity if not revenge but have put to rest unbiased compassion.


VI. THE SLY TRANSMITTER engages himself between the source and His receiver, alike an Antenna, except that He is not a cold and passive component. He never is at the beginning, nor at the end of a conversation or engagement; does not establish an idea, however toys with the received, as we arrange the rows of letters in a scrabble game, transforming the content before transmitting it. Whatever He is trying to convey will change the meaning. For example, from ‘very kind’ to ‘evil mind’. However, we have never a script or some Digital devise to replay the switch of words, in order to expose the cunning transmitter. We only pick up reports from His Antenna, reflecting imageries in mirrors or as smoke-Signals that go from mountain- to mountain-peak, reporting that the enemy must be around the bend, when in fact, He is within us.


VII. THE BACK-STABBER Is not what you think—a sneaky attacker, ambushing from behind, no, He is polite and kind, will listen, agreeing with your Heartfelt desires; pretending to shelter you from attacks, like Hagen did who in the Nibelung’s assured to safeguard the Invincible Siegfried, except for the mark between his shoulder blades that made Him mortal. Moreover, while you too believe of being safe, one day it may surprise you when, in spite of pleasant words and praises, you will notice a show down of mean intrigues. It will makes you swim against the crowded stream of twisted perverted events, realizing that for every step ahead, the sly conniver thrusts you two steps in reverse: Invisible forces find your fragile sign that use your strength to advance like the deceptive Hagen, when his deadly spear had pierced the spot between the shoulder blades of the unconquerable Siegfried. True, Hagen stood his ground as Brutus did when Caesar fell, knifed by Nobel Romans who were absolved from guilt — secretly, likewise you too may observe, with every stab at you, a smile of the obscure one, or find that He has vanished silently, akin the scheming Brutus or Hagen before your eyes.


VIII. THE INFORMER has no News Agency, He does not write or print nor Does He broadcast when spreading his message. His approach is trivial and may meet you offside to let you know about discriminative activities against you, to win your confidence and trust that later He will pass on Distorted to someone else. He is a likeable body, selected by superiors and used by them like Wikipedia that will inform about associates in question and speak so well of those He expects a favour; of others that He needs, desires, uses or abuses. At any point, He will release His information freely as a disease and spare no one. Whatever it is – He has heard it first – perhaps will say, “I hate to break the news to you but your employer may let you go”. The Informer is the mercy Executioner with endless awkward abundant Judgmental material filed away to be selectively retrieved like nuts, hidden by squirrels in autumn and re-claimed in winter. If you have given the Informer your entire trust to be stored away – He will find it, crack it open, and spread it all over common places. He will achieve that minds confront Each other over something they had said to one another, yet, they never really did. He is never short of wit and stories, anecdotes. His mission is to rise above His subjects that He by the way dishonours and seen in his deceptive window of Impulsive events.


IX. THE VERBALLY OVERBEARING ONES They are determined to bring Their point of view across, regardless how muddled its content, however, They will not miss a beat and run you over verbally so as machineguns fire and forcing the enemy into submission. There is no chance replying or cut in for one second – it’s like a one-way street on which one will be run over when entering at the wrong end. Their gift is juggling words before they are able to think of them, without a pause or intermission, while deaf to answers that come from you across the table, unless you wave your hands at their nose and shut their babbling mouth. The only successful option is avoid a conversation over the phone and say, please Email or text me, write a letter per post as long as you wish and I will reply. Alternatively, not.


X. THE FACEBOOK OBSESSOR makes Them happy. Before They had signed up, They were ignored, a nonentity, known merely in a narrow circle as Their family, few friends,  small gatherings that had no sense, no gratitude, who got the better of everything and dialogues went on, without conclusion, endlessly, forever, a waste of time, quickly coming to a dead end. However, Facebook-connection, has unlocked the many doors, a world that is open now to all and everyone, with links, as chains that row on row present Images, worth a thousand words if one could unriddle them. Moreover, sentences of plain and tame connotation, clones of empty content, go back and forth, pretending its Technology has blessed us with creative power, when in fact has handcuffed us alike the image in the Sorceress Apprentice. Yet, there is no lack of search, and communication becomes as once we had accused old women meddling in affairs and gossiping about others across town. However, about the Facebook obsessed with dubious replies, their exercise resembles more like clearing out a reservoir of uncertain thoughts as one discards leftover junk in ancient dwellings. They do that all hours, day by day and nights; Their prying gives Them no rest, regardless how trivial the findings are. They cannot miss nor neglect a thing or else They would return to former ranks of being again unknown, being no one, and the new won, apparent good friends, who, as it seems exalt each other, they would abandon Them and lose Their self-assurance, within an elusive state.


XI. CONCLUSION JUMPERS are anxious meddling in one’s affairs. They are not waiting until all the facts are in, if ever possible. Their restlessness averts those reaching fair decisions, enticing Them to make quick judgments, forcing Them in short-sighted fashion to beat, as a main resolve, the opposition that extends the spiteful argument; They speak and act ahead of time, before the words In its connectivity have ripened, until there is only a minimum of doubt of its validity. Equally, they long so much for a verdicts and result of their own making, so that there is no other choice as come to an End, by jumping the gun, without the evidence and certainty of those enshrouded still in a helpless question.
